In the fulldome show "Mysterious Oceans - The Eddy Hunt", the audience accompanies the coastal researchers in their unique search for previously unexplored eddies in the ocean. For the first time a Zeppelin was used for this purpose in June 2016. You can experience the expedition "Ocean Clockwork" in a 30-minute 360° production with real-life images.
Our oceans and the great ocean currents are influenced by the force of countless small eddies in the water. Like the gears of a clockwork, these eddies interlock and determine the worldwide climate, the appearance of algae blooms and also the migrations of fish. In a 9-minute animated fulldome production, the viewer dives past fish and jellyfish, experiences the use of a research zeppelin and follows scientists in their hunt for the eddies. In combination with a three-dimensional sound, you can experience the world of research. The team behind the project
The planetary films are already shown in many different cities around the world, including Kiel, Hamburg, Berlin, Potsdam, Nuremberg, Chemniz, Flensburg, Mannheim, Drehbach, Merseburg and Bad Sooden-Allendorf. An overview about the events can be found here.
You are the operator of a planetarium and are interested in our films in the 4K Fulldome format? Feel free to contact us! For playing the movie in your planetarium you need to fill out the license agreement. You will then get a link to the Domemaster download. For planetaries the use of the film is free.
Watch the movie trailers here.
Planetarium movie (30 minutes)
Download Agreeement „The Eddy Hunt“ (PDF) (1,4 MB)
Animated movie (9 minutes)
Download Agreeement „Clockwork Ocean“ (PDF)
Tanja Baschek
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Max-Planck-Straße 1
21502 Geesthacht
Phone: Tel: +49 (0) 4152 87 1785